10:51:47 am on
Friday 14 Mar 2025

Graduation and Prom
Matt Seinberg

Four years ago I wrote about my daughter Michelle graduating from Middle School and going into high school. Well, this year she is graduating high school and going to our local community in the fall.

I wanted a nice age difference for my children

My younger daughter Melissa has graduated from middle school and is now going into high school. When Marcy and I were planning the second kid, I wanted a nice age spread for several reasons. Number one is not having two kids in college at the same time. That can get very expensive.

My second concern was not having both kids in diapers at the same time. That can be very messy. Finally, with enough years between, daughter number two can watch the second kid, therefore eliminating the need to pay a babysitter.

Two events happened last Thursday

Last Thursday two things happened on the same day. Melissa had her moving up ceremony at the middle school. This time we got there earlier and found a good place to park on the street and not in the lot. That makes leaving much easier when it's all over.

The second thing that happened was that was the night of the senior prom for Michelle. During the day, she went over to the home of our neighbour Erin. Erin is a hairdresser, and offered to do Michelle's hair and makeup, no charge. We like free, though Michelle will get her some sort of gift card as a thank you.

Back to the middle school, thank goodness it wasn't a sauna as it was four years ago. It was actually comfortable, and we had decent seats on the floor of the gym. The only problem was a woman with big hair sat right in front of me, making it difficult to take pictures sitting down.

The processional starts and all the eighth graders start coming in. I recognize some, but not many. Melissa went through elementary school with these kids; to see them fairly grown up is scary. Once again, the boys have no idea how to dress properly for the day; the majority of girls look very grown up in dresses and skirts. These the same kids I remember as toddlers?

I am now officially old.

Name after name, graduates go to the podium to receive diplomas and certificates of achievement. Melissa was among the last to the podium. I managed to get a couple of shots on my camera; not great photographs, but okay.

After the recessional, there’s an open invitation to move into the courtyard to take pictures. Fugetaboutit! It was very crowded and there was no way to take a decent picture or move around. We decided to leave and Melissa brought her best friend Kayla with us.

When we got home, Michelle was just finishing up with Erin, so I took some pictures of Melissa and Kayla. Then Michelle showed up and got dressed. With her hair and makeup done, she looked like Elsa from the Disney movie "Frozen."

Ryan, boyfriend of Michelle, showed up. I took pictures of them and they are a very cute couple, even though Ryan didn't smile very well. I think he was nervous about going to a prom that wasn't his.

The Lincoln Navigator limo showed up early, so Ryan had to wait around while we all took pictures. At 5:30 pm, off they went to The Crest Hollow Country Club, in Woodbury, for the prom. Ryan's grandfather reminded him this was Michelle's prom, and to make it special for her. I told them both to have a good time and don't do anything stupid.

Michelle got home around 11:30 pm and said they had a good time. I was very happy for them and I could finally go to sleep.

It's not easy raising teenage girls.

Matt Seinberg lives on Long Island, a few minutes east of New York City. He looks at everything around him and notices much. Somewhat less cynical than dyed in the wool New Yorkers, Seinberg believes those who don't see what he does like reading about what he sees and what it means to him. Seinberg columns revel in the silly little things of life and laughter as well as much well-directed anger at inept, foolish public officials. Mostly, Seinberg writes for those who laugh easily at their own foibles as well as those of others.

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